Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hello Gators!
As midterm week slowly creeps in, stress begins to do so as well.
I would like to take this opportunity to share some stress managing tips!
First, keep in mind that with every action there is a reaction, you cannot expect to earn an A if you have not studied for an exam and feel completely prepared.
Do not conform, but know your expectations. This will help avoid greater disappointment in case of a low score. If you feel just a bit insecure about a topic, review it, odds are it will appear in the exam. I have had this happen many times, I guess it must be Murphy's Law. :)
Also, and this is especially for us science students, know your body. This is the perfect time to apply a lot of what you have learned in your years as a young scientist. First, water is essential, keep hydrated, so that you may have a higher flow of oxygen to your brain. Second, and this is a mistake many of us make, rest. Try to not rely on cramming the night before. I know this is easier said than done, but my best advise is to at least look over your notes a little bit each day without trying to memorize anything. You will be surprised how much information you retain by simply glancing at your notes. Finally, RELAX! We all know that feeling right after we finish an exam and we know we did well, "Yes! Its finally over!" Keep that feeling in mind when preparing for a test and that should keep you motivated to learn!

Good luck to everyone! Have a wonderful midterm week!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

CALS Connection Magazine

A few months ago some of our students were interviewed for the University of Florida CALS Connection Magazine. Find below the story of one of our very own on how she arrived to the Microbiology and Cell Science Distance Education program. 
Visit the CALS Connection page HERE.

Remember deadline to apply for UF Microbiology & Cell Science Online Program Fall term is 
March 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Gift of Giving

Hoping that you all had a marvelous Holiday Break and wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! 2012 promises to be a great year and I am sure it will be filled with surprises and incredible opportunities for many. However, after all the holiday gifts have been opened and loved, and most of us are settling in back to work and/or school with new year resolutions in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the gift of giving. While many of us take the simple things in life for granted, many are in great need. World Vision Gifts has a variety of "gifts" you can purchase that could truly change the life of a child in need. Gifts as inexpensive as $5.00 for Water Purification Tables, or $15.00 for vitamins can be purchased at this website and a lovely card will be shipped in return. 
Happy 2012 Gators! 

A New Beginning

Our first semester in the program is done. It was an amazing learning experience for us four. I can definitely say we learned a lot about ourselves during the process as well. Online learning is challenging, but it can be done. It takes a lot of commitment and discipline. The one piece of advise I would like give to the new incoming students in the Spring term is to never allow lectures to accumulate. Since we are not constantly forced to attend lecture, I must admit I allowed my job and personal life to consume a lot of my time and left the remaining time to the lectures. I am specifically stating "lectures" because I did frequent the Sakai website to stay informed about assignments, but sometimes I procrastinated on dedicating time to watching the lectures. Until exam day arrives, and I found myself having to watch multiple lectures on one day. Some of my classmates confessed that this is something that also happened to them and they feel that they need to improve in. Overall, I had a great first four months, and I am looking forward to the next term!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Reporter


University of Florida's Microbiology and Cell Science Online Program was featured in The Reporter, Miami Dade College's distinguished student newspaper. 

There you will find an easy way to reach our main webpage, while you get informed of the latest news! 

For More Information on The Reporter and the UF Microbiology Online Program click HERE

Great Turnout!

Like I mentioned Feria Para Aprender took place this last Saturday. Although it did not promise to draw a big crowd at first due to the heavy rain in Miami, there was a great turnout! Many parents and their children came to enjoy a day of information on career pathways for students of elementary through college. There was story time for children, games and prizes, delicious food, and terrific people! Of course the NaviGATORS were there along with Miami Dade College's School of Science offering all sorts of goodies and informational tools.

Thank you to all those who came and made this great event  possible.

More photos soon!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

See you on Saturday!

For more information email

Hope to see you all there!